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NEFA Charter 2024 & 2025 Edition

          The purpose of this document is to provide the New England Flying disc Association (NEFA) and its leaders with a structured system that will aid the organization to move forward and reach goals. To that end, a framework for reaching decisions, implementing change and continuing to expand disc golf in our region is provided within this document.

NEFA's Mission Statement

The goal of NEFA is to promote the growth of disc golf and related disc sports in and around New England. The ways of achieving this overall goal are limitless and may change dramatically from year to year, as well as from administration to administration. Possibilities include:

Promotion of disc golf and NEFA to the general public
* Organize and fund disc golf clinics for the general public
* Market disc sports, including course advertising
* Publish articles
* Reach out to media outlets for local course events
* Website

* Promote the creation and improvement of courses in our region
* Fund course improvements and expansions

* Coordinate, fund, and run the NEFA Points Series
* Assist New England tournament directors (TDs)
* Sponsor tournaments and related activities
* Sponsor top local players at major tournaments around the world
* Run fundraisers to help NEFA reach its goals 



NEFA proudly offers two types of grants that the organization would like to make available in order to help promote the growth of disc sports in and around New England. These grants are available for any individual or group NEFA members that would like to grow disc sports in and around New England.


Small NEFA Grants

A small NEFA grant is a $500 grant that can be applied for so that an individual or group can kick‐start a project that they've been working on. Small NEFA grants will be evaluated by the three NEFA elected officers (President, Vice President, and Treasurer) along with the NEFA State Representative from which the grant originates.  These grants will be awarded to applicants throughout the year on an ongoing basis for as long as there is money in the grant program to give. Applicants must meet the criteria listed below in order to be considered for a small NEFA grant and will be notified within 3 weeks of applying for the grant.


Large NEFA Grants

A large NEFA grant is a $1500 grant similar to the small NEFA grant but obviously much larger in scale. Only 3 large NEFA grants will be available each year and applications will be accepted from January 1st through February 1st. After that deadline, the entire NEFA Board will review all of the applications and then award the 3 NEFA large grant recipients in an announcement one month later on March 1st. NEFA will award the 3 large NEFA grants to the applicants who show that they will use the money in the most practical, efficient, and creative way possible. We'd like to challenge applicants to think outside of the box and go big.


NEFA Grant Guidelines

Here are the criteria for both the small and large grant applications:


* If the applicant is using the grant for a disc golf course, it must be non‐pay to play and open to the public.

* If the applicant is using the grant for a disc golf course, they must have completed the purchase of at least 8 baskets (Provide proof of ownership).

*  NEFA gets an ad/listing on a Tee pad, Basket or Kiosk. Provide explanation of where ad will go. For large grant recipients, NEFA would also like to provide the course with a sign announcing the courses involvement in the large NEFA grant program.

* Provide a detailed written explanation of the plan for the money and when the work will be complete.

* Have completed the work within 24 months or money is due back to NEFA.

* Provide the Name the check is to made payable to.

* Provide address to send check.

NEFA Grant Applicants

Here are some guidelines that grant applicants should follow:

* Applicant(s) must be a current NEFA member(s).

* Applicants may only apply for one NEFA small grant per year.

* Applicants who are applying for a large NEFA grant, may not also apply for a small grant in the same calendar year.

* Applications for all NEFA grants should be sent to President, Bob Kulchuk at



NEFA has the right to deny grant applications that do not meet criteria set forth by NEFA or for any other reason NEFA, at NEFA's sole discretion.


If the spring cycle of large NEFA grants is successful and there is interest/funding for another round, NEFA will extend the program to the fall as well.

NEFA's Elected Officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary

These four NEFA Officers make up NEFA's executive branch. It is their job to keep NEFA moving forward. They enjoy great latitude in deciding how to spend NEFA's money, planning for the future, and creating policy. At the same time they have the challenge of trying to satisfy a diverse membership.

The Officers will reach a consensus before making major decisions. If, however, this proves to be impossible, the Board can be called upon to vote on the issue. In addition, any of the Officers may call for a Board vote on any significant issue when it arises.

The Officers will also be entrusted with annually updating the NEFA Charter to reflect new decisions and changing circumstances.

Individual Responsibilities of the Officers

For the most part, each Officer will define his or her own responsibilities and duties. Generally speaking:
* The President is responsible for coordinating all of NEFA's activities by working with and organizing the volunteers to reach the goals within the Mission Statement and beyond.
* The Vice President is generally responsible of keeping NEFA moving toward its goals, and working with the President and Administrator.
* The Treasurer is in charge of managing NEFA's finances & NEFA memberships

* The Secretary will organize meetings, keep minutes, manage records and provide structure within the large group tasked with meeting wide demands

Volunteer Positions

Volunteers actively assist NEFA in achieving its mission statement. Officers may, at any time, create additional volunteer positions and appoint people to fill them. NEFA has seven volunteer positions outside of the elected officers and the State Representatives:
* Points Series Coordinator - Danny White (Volunteer)

* Events & Schedule Manager - Bob Kulchuk (President)
* Web Page Manager - Chris Collette (Vice President)
* Grant Consultant - Tom Bentley (Volunteer)

* NEFA Historic Consultant - Steve Hartwell (Volunteer)

* Women's Representative

The Board

The Board will vote on issues as they arise. Half of all Board members are required to vote for the result to be valid.

The Board will count the votes, with the majority carrying the vote. Board votes can be called by any Board Member at any time. The Board is comprised of the:

* Four Officers
* NEFA Volunteers
* Seven NEFA State Representatives

Officers, Volunteers, and State Representatives can hold multiple Board positions. The one exception is that Officers cannot also be State Representatives. The Officers may also place individuals on the Board as Honorary Members. Each Board member, regardless of the number of positions he or she holds, still gets just one Board vote. Board members must be current NEFA members and want the job.

The NEFA Points Committee

The NEFA Points committee is responsible for writing and approving the NEFA Points Charter each year. They also will vote on any major decisions and any conflicts that occur during the year. The Points Committee will include at a minimum, the NEFA elected Officers & NEFA Points Coordinator. Other members will be selected by the President.

The other members of the Points Committee will include the seven NEFA State Representatives and any other members previously appointed of the NEFA Points Committee. The Chairman of the NEFA Points Charter is a Board position that can be held by anyone except the President or the Administrator. The Chairman's duties include being ultimately responsible for writing the NEFA Points Charter each year, being lead contact for all NEFA Points Series issues, managing all votes for the Points Committee, and being co-schedule coordinator with the Web Page Manager.


NEFA Elections

NEFA will hold Officer and State Representative elections once a year. Candidates must declare their challenges for specific Officer and State Representative positions by November 1. Voting will begin by November 10 and voting will extend to the end of November.

The elections will be run by an independent volunteer each year. Each NEFA Member can vote for all of the Officer positions, but can only vote for the State Representative in the State in which they reside.

Should a volunteer position be vacant, the President may nominate a volunteer and a majority vote by the board shall determine the appointment.

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