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Points Series Charter
2024/2025 Edition
Annual Notes - This season's points series events will be played September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. The NEDGC will be held on the weekend of October 13th, 2024 (Location TBD.)
The NEFA Points Series strives to combine excellent disc golf tournaments at courses in and around New England into a tournament series. The NEFA Points season runs annually and will end with the Series culminating in the New England Disc Golf Championship (NEDGC, see above for date).
Points TDs are required to submit their event into the NEFA event calendar. TDs must also pay $2 for each player attending their tournament, before tournament results can be published. All of it goes toward player awards for the Season Ending Standings and New England Disc Golf Championship. Sixty percent goes toward the Season Ending Standings winners, and the remaining forty percent goes toward the New England Disc Golf Championship payout. Season Ending Payout, New England Disc Golf Championship Payout, and all NEFA events will payout in the following manner:
Pros receive their winnings in cash, while Ams receive the cash equivalent
through funny money, trophies, player’s packs etc. Please contact NEFA for
information about providing merchandise for the AM payout if needed.
Points events are scheduled on a first come first serve basis. TDs are encouraged to respect the dates of events that have a long history of being on that day/weekend. Single-day Points events on the same day must be at least 50 miles apart (as per Google Maps) unless the TDs agree to share the date. With the popularity of the sport, date availability can be scarce. It is expected that TDs will work together to find the best solution for the benefit of the players. If the TDs do not agree, the tournament date will be awarded to the first TD to complete his/her signed application and payment to the NEFA Schedule Coordinator.
Multiple-day NEFA Points events that secure their dates on the schedule first will receive no such exclusivity. The 50-mile distance restriction still applies. TDs running multiple-day Points events may opt to hold the Pro and AM parts of their tournaments on separate days. All other scenarios not addressed in this Charter will be decided by the Points Committee on a case-by-case basis.
Points Event Requirements:
Points events must offer the following divisions, regardless of turnout (See Exceptions section below)
Mixed Pro Open (MPO)
Mixed Pro Open 40+ (MP40)
Mixed Pro Open 50+ (MP50)
Mixed Pro Open 60+ (MP60)
Women's Pro Open (FPO)
Women's Pro Open 40+ (FP40)
Mixed Amateur 40+ (MA40)
Mixed Amateur 50+ (MA50)
Mixed Amateur 60+ (MA60)
Mixed Amateur 1 (MA1)
Mixed Amateur 2 (MA2)
Women's Amateur 1 (FA1)
Women's Amateur (FA2)
Women's Amateur 40+ (FA40)
Women's Amateur 50+ (FA50)
Women Amateur 60+ (FA60)
Mixed Amateur (MA3)
Women's Amateur 3 (FA3)
Junior under 15 (MJ15 & FJ15 ) - These junior divisions are encouraged to be offered, but NOT required.
TDs may offer and points will be tracked if the TD warrants additional divisions i.e. MA4, FA4, MA55, MA65, FA55, FA65 etc..
All divisions will earn season ending payouts except for:
MA3, FA3, MA4, FA4, FJ15 and MJ15 will still earn a trophy and compete for an invite to finals. Money raised in these divisions shall be used to purchase the trophies and then allocated as the Points Committee sees fit.
● Each Points event must provide or have access to a restroom or portable toilet.
● TDs must adhere to PDGA rules, or communicate any deviations to all players as part of the event announcement. Regarding the PDGA/DGPT policy on Transgender athletes participation, NEFA does NOT support this policy. For events with dual PDGA/NEFA sanctioning, TDs would be required to follow the PDGA policy, however, for NEFA-only events, TDs need not follow their policy.
● TDs must use the PDGA payout table for all divisions (40% to Pros and 50% to Ams, minimum), or communicate any deviations to all players prior to the event.
● Each course may host multiple events per season. A course is defined as a group of 18 or more holes on a specified area of land. Different layouts on the same course do not constitute separate courses.
● Points events need to be at least one round of play (in the case of flex start events) or two rounds (or more) for standard events.
Starting March 1st, 2024
1 round events will earn 0.75 points
2 round events will earn 1.00 points
3 round events will earn 1.25 points
When submitting results, TDs must use the NEFA Points Event Report, for all non PDGA sanctioned events, and email the completed form to Danny White ( Alternatively, TDs can supply the PDGA event ID, when paying your player fees to Danny and he will populate the points results from that data automatically once player fee payment is confirmed.
TD payments for the per player fee need to be paid to NEFA before the tournament results can be posted and within 7 calendar days. The payment can be made in person to Rick Williams at the event if available, sent electronically to (sent as a friends & family). Fill out the form at: and send via PayPal as noted.
Event Exceptions
Exceptions for Points Event Requirements will be considered. The following requirements are subject to exception:
Points events must offer the full 20 divisions, regardless of turnout or apply for a waiver by filling out the NEFA waiver form. While offering the junior MJ15 division is encouraged, it is not required and therefore, no exception need be sought if a TD wishes to eliminate that division offering.
Single Round Flex Start Disc Golf events can now be part of the NEFA Disc Golf Points Series. The same requirements of a NEFA Points tournament apply to a Flex Start disc golf tournament (i.e. fees, divisions, reports, etc.). Refer to Points Event Requirements in the Points Series Charter.
Events with Limited Divisions, for example gender or age protected, can now be part of the NEFA Disc Golf Points Series. The same requirements of a NEFA Points tournament apply to a limited division disc golf tournament (i.e. fees, reports, etc.). Refer to Points Event Requirements in the Points Series Charter.
The New England Women’s Disc Golf Point Series is already granted these exceptions and does not need NEFA Board of Directors review and approval for their events. Further exceptions will be considered, with the following reasons more likely to be considered:
● Events that are held on multiple courses (e.g. 1 round each on courses that already have regular NEFA events scheduled)
● Special events that are limited to a dedicated subset of divisions (e.g. Junior, AM, Pro, Masters, Women) or who have already had certain division offerings waived under PDGA sanctioning requirements.
These special events may not be granted the 50-mile exclusivity clause (but they will be held to it for honoring normal events, unless other TD approves). To submit your request for exception to the standard NEFA Points Charter, please complete the NEFA Points Event waiverform, at least 60 days prior to event date.
Player Requirements
To receive NEFA Points, players must be current NEFA members before the event starts, and they have to finish the event without being disqualified. Players who do not finish or are disqualified will have their attendance count toward their divisions’ NEFA Points, however, they will not receive points. Disqualification includes DNF (999 or 888) due to injury or other unforeseen issue.
New England Disc Golf Championship (NEDGC)
The New England Disc Golf Championship will include added cash from the NEFA Point Series, making the event one of the richest of the NEFA season. Invites are determined by committee based on attendance at NEFA events but are granted based upon points series results first before offering unused invites to other criteria. Unused invites will be filled as per the discretion of the committee. A player may choose to compete in any division for
which they qualify and receive an invite for. This may include a split AM/PRO day NEDGC.
NEFA understands and appreciates that running a tournament is a huge commitment. As such, TDs of NEFA Points events will receive an automatic invite to participate as a player in the NEDGC regardless of how many NEFA events that they play in. Additionally, TDs who run three or more NEFA events in a season will be granted a free NEFA membership the following year. The NEDGC will have a committee each year appointed by NEFA to run and oversee the New England Disc Golf Championship. At a minimum, the committee will consist of the NEFA officers and may also include the NEFA state reps and Points Chair. Other committee members will be appointed as needed.
Division Minimum Number of Events
The minimum number of events used to calculate the season standings and end of season payouts will be 3 events for all divisions. The maximum number of events used to calculate the season standings and end of season payouts will be 5 events. Once a player has competed in more than 5 events, their lowest points event will be dropped from their calculation.
NEFA Points Event TD Requirements
The NEFA Points Event TD must be a current NEFA Member before their event is added as a confirmed event to the calendar.
As noted above, NEFA understands and appreciates that running a tournament is a huge time commitment. As such, TDs of NEFA Points events will receive an automatic invite to participate as a player in the NEDGC regardless of how many NEFA events that they play in. Additionally, any TD who runs 3 or more NEFA events in a year will receive their next season NEFA membership free of charge.